NoRegret 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , Eightcap , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

NoRegret 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , Eightcap , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

Welcome to my journey

If you want to CopyTrade Please READY TO LOSE and deposit must Equal with my Equity
High Risk High Gain!

Please use my broker choose raw account for the same spread

And if already profit please Withdraw your profit and prepare to extend this signal and don't wait for it!

Be Realistic!

And No Regret to Lose your Money!

Just Enjoy The Ride with NoRegret in Life


Oct 18 在 04:47
  • 余额: $9.54
  • 净值: (100.00%) $9.54
  • 浮動損益: $0.00
  • 存款: $1600.00
  • 提款: $1,000
  • 交易: 1,026
  • 点差: 28,110.1
  • 勝率: 44%
  • 平均 交易时间: 2h 14m
  • 手 : 412.57
  • 利润因子: 0.97
  • 每天: -1.20%
  • 毎月: -30.40%
  • 每月交易次数 54
  • 期望: 27.4 点差 / -$0.58
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +3
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
27.04.2023 14:34:22 27.04.2023 15:30:03 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.02 - - 1999.29000 1991.74000 -755.0 -15.10 55m -61.28%
27.04.2023 09:57:49 27.04.2023 13:01:39 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.05 - - 2002.15000 1996.02000 -613.0 -30.65 3h 3m -55.43%
27.04.2023 08:39:38 27.04.2023 09:57:17 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.01 - - 2001.07000 2001.77000 70.0 0.70 1h 17m +1.28%
27.04.2023 06:34:04 27.04.2023 09:57:13 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.04 - - 2000.07000 2001.75000 168.0 6.72 3h 23m +14.04%
27.04.2023 05:30:34 27.04.2023 06:33:55 USDJPY.I 卖出 0.10 - 132.50000 133.57900 133.60700 -2.8 -2.80 1h 3m -5.53%
27.04.2023 05:11:14 27.04.2023 05:29:51 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.04 - - 1995.18000 1996.21000 103.0 4.12 18m +8.85%
27.04.2023 04:43:39 27.04.2023 05:11:03 XAUUSD.I 卖出 0.05 1995.50000 - 1992.87000 1995.08000 -221.0 -11.05 27m -19.18%
27.04.2023 04:38:00 27.04.2023 04:43:34 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.01 - - 1994.53000 1992.85000 -168.0 -1.68 5m -2.83%
27.04.2023 04:25:11 27.04.2023 04:43:32 XAUUSD.I 买入 0.05 - - 1991.74000 1992.82000 108.0 5.40 18m +10.02%
26.04.2023 19:27:48 27.04.2023 04:24:47 XAUUSD.I 卖出 0.01 - 1950.00000 1985.98000 1991.89000 -591.0 -5.19 8h 56m -8.79%
页面 / 104
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