Pure Signals FX3 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , SGD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $50.00/Month

Pure Signals FX3 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , SGD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $50.00/Month

Trading Grid, Martingale using AI/News Filter and Machine Learning on USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD and NZDUSD.

Min Capital $1000/- USD

Targeting to bring in profits of 3-6%/month with a max DD of 20-40%.

RISK LEVEL is HIGH please follow at :

50% and use balance of $2000/- USD if you want Medium Risk. (Profits of 1.5-3%/month max DD of 10-20%)

25% and use balance of $4000/- USD if you want Low Risk. (Profits of 0.75%-1.5%/month max DD of 5%-10%)

Profit and DD levels are deduced based on back tests of 10-15years. However, past performance is not an indicator of future performance and funds deposited is at your own risk.


  • 余额: S$1591.98
  • 净值: (27.18%) S$432.67
  • 浮動損益: -S$1159.31
  • 存款: S$48900.04
  • 提款: S$58,180
  • 交易: 723
  • 点差: 236.3
  • 勝率: 68%
  • 平均 交易时间: 1d
  • 手 : 614.83
  • 利润因子: 1.17
  • 每天: -0.39%
  • 毎月: -10.96%
  • 每月交易次数 48
  • 期望: 0.3 点差 / S$15.04
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +3
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
10.10.2024 03:00:00 11.10.2024 15:34:33 AUDNZD 买入 0.09 - - 1.10677 1.10553 -12.4 -10.12 1d -0.63%
11.10.2024 14:08:00 11.10.2024 15:31:50 USDCAD 卖出 0.42 - - 1.37708 1.37384 32.4 125.28 1h 23m +8.52%
11.10.2024 15:30:05 11.10.2024 15:31:46 USDCAD 卖出 0.84 - - 1.37530 1.37384 14.6 108.53 1m +7.97%
10.10.2024 22:41:00 11.10.2024 14:07:59 USDCAD 卖出 2.94 - - 1.37475 1.37708 -23.3 -692.65 15h 26m -33.84%
04.10.2024 15:35:00 11.10.2024 13:46:01 USDCAD 卖出 0.42 - - 1.35792 1.37688 -189.6 -774.49 6d -27.47%
07.10.2024 16:35:00 11.10.2024 09:38:09 USDCAD 卖出 0.84 - - 1.36029 1.37656 -162.7 -1331.25 3d -32.11%
07.10.2024 21:45:00 11.10.2024 09:32:45 USDCAD 卖出 1.68 - - 1.36260 1.37609 -134.9 -2218.55 3d -34.90%
08.10.2024 16:40:00 10.10.2024 20:12:32 USDCAD 卖出 2.94 - - 1.36508 1.37748 -124.0 -3554.29 2d -35.86%
09.10.2024 14:35:00 10.10.2024 16:37:36 USDCAD 卖出 5.04 - - 1.36755 1.37643 -88.8 -4375.24 1d -30.68%
09.10.2024 21:45:00 10.10.2024 15:01:01 USDCAD 卖出 8.60 - - 1.37028 1.37548 -52.0 -4467.13 17h 16m -23.90%
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