Steve Vetsak 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

Steve Vetsak 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

Hello! I have more than five years of experience in the forex market. I have completed a lot of high-quality courses and the most high-profile of them are DT and Gerchik A.M. In my TS, I use only two timeframes and trade exclusively on XAUUSD. The mission of this account is to improve the quality of life, so do not forget to withdraw profits every week/month.


Dec 20 在 00:59
  • 余额: $0.00
  • 净值: (0%) $0
  • 浮動損益: $0.00
  • 存款: $2376.55
  • 提款: $2,065.39
  • 交易: 407
  • 点差: 3,729.1
  • 勝率: 72%
  • 平均 交易时间: 43m
  • 手 : 65.4
  • 利润因子: 0.92
  • 每天: -0.23%
  • 毎月: -6.73%
  • 每月交易次数 34
  • 期望: 9.2 点差 / -$1.16
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +2
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
27.06.2024 11:48:51 - - 提款 - - - -310.30 - -
14.05.2024 20:41:57 - - 提款 - - - -10.00 - -
08.05.2024 15:05:48 08.05.2024 16:14:48 XAUUSD 买入 0.20 2313.00000 2318.70000 2317.69000 2312.99000 -470.0 -95.85 1h 9m -23.03%
08.05.2024 14:41:05 08.05.2024 14:50:14 XAUUSD 买入 0.20 2315.00000 2319.20000 2317.10000 2314.90000 -220.0 -45.85 9m -9.92%
08.05.2024 14:05:22 08.05.2024 14:10:21 XAUUSD 买入 0.20 2315.20000 2318.80000 2317.75000 2315.25000 -250.0 -51.85 4m -10.09%
08.05.2024 10:36:44 08.05.2024 10:39:47 XAUUSD 卖出 0.20 2313.00000 2310.30000 2311.83000 2310.29000 154.0 28.95 3m +5.97%
07.05.2024 21:40:45 07.05.2024 22:02:01 XAUUSD 卖出 0.20 2315.00000 2312.80000 2313.57000 2314.98000 -141.0 -30.05 21m -5.84%
07.05.2024 20:35:33 07.05.2024 20:38:07 XAUUSD 买入 0.20 2314.70000 2318.20000 2317.21000 2317.18000 -3.0 -2.45 2m -0.47%
07.05.2024 20:07:59 07.05.2024 20:31:13 XAUUSD 卖出 0.20 2316.50000 2310.30000 2311.34000 2315.50000 -416.0 -85.05 23m -14.12%
07.05.2024 18:41:29 07.05.2024 18:50:57 XAUUSD 卖出 0.20 - 2314.00000 2315.14000 2314.00000 114.0 20.95 9m +3.60%
页面 / 47
Other signals by this trader
级别 名称 增益 点差 交易 类型 毎月 图表 价格 年龄 已添加 动作
319 Arnold 610.09% 17549.9 54.6% 2831 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $30.00 2y 2m 1月 14, 2024